
Beyond Science Fiction - Paintings by Michael Whelan

Created by Baby Tattoo

Help make and preserve art history with this unique showcase of visionary work by the most awarded sci-fi/fantasy artist of all time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Spend A (Very) Mysterious Weekend With Michael Whelan
over 7 years ago – Thu, May 11, 2017 at 10:48:26 PM

First... a very quick update on Beyond Science Fiction bonus rewards...

Michael Whelan will be traveling to Southern California for a special event next weekend (see the video above and the description below), and he will be signing the Kickstarter exclusive 8"x10" bonus prints that are part of all hardcover book rewards. If everything goes as planned, those signed prints will be shipping out with other bonus rewards by the end of this month. The art for the new book is still going through final file preparation and quality control... but it's coming along, and we'll be able to get more specific about a production/delivery date soon.


Michael Whelan will be a Special Guest at Beyond Brookledge
Michael Whelan will be a Special Guest at Beyond Brookledge


Michael Whelan will be a Special Guest at a fantastic magic and vaudeville get-together taking place next weekend, May 19-21, 2017. Beyond Brookledge is an annual weekend-long, 'round-the-clock variety show produced by Baby Tattoo Books that takes place in and around (and even underneath) the spectacular Mission Inn in Riverside, California. Only a few dozen all-inclusive tickets are offered for sale, and the ticket price covers two night's hotel accommodations, scheduled meals, a dizzying array of performances and activities with world-class entertainers, and some unique gift items. Not only are the performers spectacular (like America's Got Talent's The Clairvoyants and Las Vegas's Amazing Johnathan), some of the special guests who attend the event are amazingly talented too (like Michael Whelan - whose art will be featured during parts of the weekend). And Michael's museum exhibition is practically next door!

Michael has personally asked me to let all Kickstarter backers know that he would genuinely enjoy the opportunity to spend this weekend visiting with fans and friends who enjoy unique and thought-provoking experiences. So...

At Michael's request, Baby Tattoo is offering a 15% discount to members of the Beyond Science Fiction Kickstarter community who would like to join us for the entire weekend. Just enter the promo code WHELAN during the online registration process at This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a stranger-than-fiction weekend with a visual master of fantasy sci-fi art. If you might like to attend or have any questions about this truly unusual weekend, please call Bob Self directly at 818-416-5314. More information and a link to purchase tickets can be found at


Performers and Special Guests Subject to Change
Performers and Special Guests Subject to Change

If you can't make it for the entire weekend, but would like to see a fun, late-night magic and variety review, there are also a few tickets available to a one-time-only Phantom Theatre show on Saturday, May 20th at the Mission Inn. Tickets are $100 each and include admission to the "Phantom Theatre" show plus a "Gourmet Cupcake and Champagne Punch Reception" before the performance begins. Tickets to this are also extremely limited, and Michael Whelan is planning to attend. Information and a link to purchase tickets can be found at

Past, Present, Future
over 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 09:03:55 PM

Hello Everyone!

It's been two months since the last project update, and there's plenty of news to share.

Progress Report

Bonus rewards (postcards, lapel pin, mini-prints, etc.) are all on schedule for May shipping, but the Beyond Science Fiction book is behind schedule. As a stretch goal, we committed to using high resolution, wide color gamut printing because we knew that this exquisite production technique would make Michael's paintings look incredible, but we failed to realize that every single image would need to go through a painstaking file preparation process to insure impeccable quality. So...

We'll be shipping all rewards except for the new book in May, but we'll be shipping Beyond Science Fiction a couple of months later. We'll let you know as soon as we have a realistic ETA. Rest assured, the quality of the printing will be worth the wait, and Kickstarter backers will receive their books first - before the general public.

Bonus Postcard Offer

Backers who pledge to EXISTENCE WITHIN THE MECHANISM will receive a bonus Whelan Postcard!
Backers who pledge to EXISTENCE WITHIN THE MECHANISM will receive a bonus Whelan Postcard!


Baby Tattoo is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for a new book titled EXISTENCE WITHIN THE MECHANISM by artist Jeffery Scott (1019) [Here's a bit of trivia for you... Baby Tattoo Founder Bob Self first met Michael Whelan and Audrey price 10 years ago at a convention in Denver, Colorado where Michael was a guest of honor and Bob was promoting Jeffery Scott's first book VISIONS FROM WITHIN THE MECHANISM.]

Michael's realist paintings and Jeffery's unreal photographs share some common visual elements and themes, although Jeffery's imagery is definitely intended for mature audiences with its bleak take on mankind's dark future.

Baby Tattoo is pleased to offer physical reward backers of Beyond Science Fiction who also back EXISTENCE WITHIN THE MECHANISM a bonus 5"x7" postcard of Michael Whelan's painting "The Reach" when their Whelan postcards ship. To receive this bonus postcard (pictured below), simply pledge any amount (even a $1 pledge will qualify) to the new campaign here or at Once you have backed the new campaign, send a message via Kickstarter that you have done so.


Spectrum Fantastic Art Live

Baby Tattoo will be Exhibiting at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Baby Tattoo will be Exhibiting at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live

Baby Tattoo will be exhibiting at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live in Kansas City this weekend. If you're going to be attending the event, please stop by the Baby Tattoo Booth and say hello to Bob Self. The Spectrum convention provides a unique opportunity to meet amazing artists and enthusiastic collectors in the heart of the USA. We hope to see some of you there.

Any Time

Thank you again for being part of Baby Tattoo's most successful campaign to date (we've run a total of 6 Kickstarter projects). If you need to contact us for any reason, ringleader Bob Self is always enthusiastic about communicating with backers. Message us directly through Kickstarter or email Bob at [email protected]. You can also call or text Bob directly at 818-416-5314. Any time.

The BackerKit Surveys Is Coming
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 09:59:59 PM

Complete Your BackerKit Survey by Friday, March 3, 2017 and receive a bonus 1.25" Michael Whelan sphere button with your reward items.
Complete Your BackerKit Survey by Friday, March 3, 2017 and receive a bonus 1.25" Michael Whelan sphere button with your reward items.

Soon we will be sending an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It is important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can so we can proceed with the preparation and production of rewards.

If your pledge level includes an acknowledgement in the Beyond Science Fiction book, it is particularly important that you respond to the survey by Friday, March 3, 2017. If you do not respond to the survey before the deadline, we will not be able to print your name in the Beyond Science Fiction book!

As an incentive for all backers to complete the BackerKit survey as soon as possible, we will be adding a 1.25" Michael Whelan sphere button (created to commemorate the opening of the "Beyond Science Fiction" exhibition at the Riverside Art Museum) to the reward items for everyone who submits their completed survey before the deadline. Backers receiving physical rewards will receive an actual button, and backers receiving digital-only rewards (which do not require shipping) will receive a virtual version of the button.

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you’re all good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards preferences, provide shipping information, and pledge for more “add-ons” if you'd like. You do not have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email! 

If you decide later that you want to edit your survey response, you can go back to your survey and change it any time before we lock down the surveys for processing. 

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you will be able to recover your survey here:

If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact support at and we'll get you sorted out! 

Keep an eye on your inbox... the survey is coming very, very soon!

Things to Come (x2)
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 09:59:47 PM

Riverside Art Museum
Riverside Art Museum


1. The World Premiere Exhibition of "Beyond Science Fiction: The Alternative Realism of Michael Whelan" is this Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Riverside Art Museum. Michael will be in attendance, and the event is open to the public. All are welcome! The show will remain on display until May 25, 2017.

Boing BoingFilm Fetish and The Press Enterprise are talking about it!

Keep An Eye Out For the BackerKit Survey
Keep An Eye Out For the BackerKit Survey

2. In the days immediately following the museum opening, we will be asking for backer information in order to finalize the Beyond Science Fiction book. The book and other rewards are on track to ship in May, but we'll need to obtain specific information next week to move the production process forward. Keep an eye out for a survey from BackerKit. The BackerKit survey is the method by which we collect mailing addresses (which can be changed up until the rewards begin to ship) and other information about each individual backer (like the name they would like printed in the acknowledgments section of the book). The survey will be sent by Friday, February 17, 2017.

A Show Beyond Belief / A Place Beyond Dreams
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 09:48:17 AM

The grand opening and public reception for Michael Whelan's "Beyond Science Fiction" exhibition is less than two weeks away on Saturday, February 11th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Riverside Art Museum located at 3425 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside, CA 92501.  The museum’s phone number is 951.684.7111.

Michael and publisher/curator Bob Self will be in attendance, and they're looking forward to meeting as many fans and collectors as are able to make the journey to see the show.

The Mission Inn
The Mission Inn

For everyone who is interested in spending the night in Riverside, the nearby Mission Inn Hotel & Spa (a National Historic Landmark of almost indescribable beauty) is offering special room rates to guests attending the museum opening.

For hotel reservations contact Melissa Zendejas at 951.341.6747 or Amy Dryver at 951.341.6742. Mention that you are part of the Michael Whelan / Baby Tattoo event to book a room starting at $145 (subject to availability).

Michael Whelan and his wife Audrey Price, as well as Bob Self and some other members of the Whelan / Baby Tattoo team will be staying at the Mission Inn on Saturday night, so please let us know if you’ll be staying at the hotel too.

We hope to see you in Riverside.